Welcome to the 2022 Season, Coach!

- First Pitch Training Camp -

Providing our Coaching Team with the resources and support in every way is essential.  Since the Coaches will be pitching for the younger Division teams, we will be hosting a Coach's Instructional Camp in May 2022, from Alberta Baseball: First Pitch. This will be a great opportunity for a new Coach to learn pitching fundamentals.

Please contact vegminorball@gmail.com for more information.

- TeamSnap App -

Using TeamSnap will be a new introduction for some and a familiar platform for others. All common resources and walkthroughs for parents will be posted on the TeamSnap page of this website for quick reference. If you have any questions yourself, you will be able to find your answers below.

All form templates and coaching resources will have a section below, as well. If you would like anything added to this page, please send a request in to vegminorball@gmail.com.


- Baseball Alberta -

First Pitch Program Information

 Zone Map

Full Baseball Alberta Handbook


- Coaching -

Please contact Trevor Warawa for Coaching Coordination (vegminorball@gmail.com).  Thank you.

- Media Content -

Please reach out to Dayna Antosko (vegminorball@gmail.com) for Website updates or additions to you team's page development.  Thank you.

- Highway Clean Up -

Please visit our Highway Clean-Up page for details or reach out to Trevor Kassian (trevorkassian@gmail.com) to confirm new participants.   Thank you.

- Team Snap -

Return To Play - Coaching

 Baseball Resource Page - Coaching

Softball Resource Page - Coaching


- TeamSnap -

You may find TeamSnap page has an FAQ section near the bottom. That will be for parents and users.

The section on this page will consist of on-hand references for Coaches and Administrators. Coming soon.

- TeamSnap -

This year, all scheduling will be created in TeamSnap and will automatically posted on your Teams Division Page in the Menu above.

Current tentative practice dates are Monday and Wednesday, until you notify your team of a change in the app.

TeamSnap FAQ


Source: Team Snap Help Center